Welcome to Squishy Squeezy Slimes!

We're so glad you're here! We offer a delightful variety of slimes for children, teens and adults - each designed to engage the senses in unique ways!

As family run business located in The Lower Mainland BC, Canada🍁, we infuse each handmade product with personal touch and creativity ✨

Whether for stress relief, sensory play, or just for fun, there’s a special slime waiting for you at Squishy Squeezy Slimes! Join our family's slime adventure, where every squish is a step into a world of imagination and sensory play!

Thank you so much for visiting,
- The Squishy Squeezy Family

🌟Welcome to the Squishy's Slime Care Guide! 🌟

Slime is not just ooey-gooey and super stretchy; it's also a bit like a pet – it needs your love and care. Here’s how you can be the best slime buddy ever!

🧼 Important Cleanliness Tips:

  1. Wash Your Hands: Before you dive into slime time, scrub those hands clean – under the nails too! Why? Because clean hands keep your slime happy and mold-free.
  2. Clean Zone for Slime Fun: Make sure the place where you’re going to play with your slime is squeaky clean – both before and after playtime. This keeps your slime smiling!

😮 Sticky Slime? No Problem!

  • Sometimes slime gets a bit clingy and sticky. This can happen for many reasons, like if it’s hot or if your hands are really warm.
  • But don’t worry, you can totally fix it!

🌈 Making Your Slime Feel Just Right:

  • Step 1: Wash & Lotion Up: Wash your hands first. If you're not playing with clear slime, put on some lotion. This stops the slime from sticking to dry hands.
  • Step 2: The Touch Test: Open your slime’s home (the container) and gently poke it. Is it too sticky? Let's fix it!
  • For Clear Slime: Put a few sprays of your activator on your hands, then touch the slime.
  • For Other Slimes: Put a couple of sprays of activator right on the slime, then fold it in slowly. Repeat until it feels just right!
  • Cool Tip: If clear slime gets all melty on hot days, put it into a bowl and mix in a little activator. It will be back to normal in no time!

🔍 Activator – The Slime Magician:

  • Too much activator can make slime cranky and breakable. Just add a little at a time.
  • Oops, added too much? No worries! A few drops of baby oil and a quick zap in the microwave can bring it back to its stretchy self.
  • Making Activator - Ask a parent for assistance!: Mix half a teaspoon of borax powder in ½ cup of hot water. Stir until it dissolves, then let it cool. Ta-da! You’re a scientist now!

🎮 Slime Play Tips for Awesome Slime Masters:

  1. Play fast! Slime loves to move.
  2. Keep your slime cozy in its home (the tub) with the lid on when you’re not playing.
  3. Slime’s not a fan of mixing with other slimes or weird stuff... just don't do it!
  4. Too runny on a hot day? Chill it in the fridge for a bit.
  5. Not stretchy on a cold day? Warm it up in the microwave for a few seconds (ask a parent for help and switch containers first!).

😱 Slime Mishaps:

  • Got slime on clothes or the carpet? Wash it off with hot water. Vinegar can also help dissolve stubborn slime!
  • Slime in your hair? Don't cut it out!! Hot water will melt it away. Ask an adult to help.
  • PS - Slime really doesn't like paper!

👩‍👧‍👦 Grown-Up Assist, Please: Some steps, like using hot water or a microwave, are tasks for grown-ups. Make sure they read these tips too, so they can join in the fun and help out.

And that’s it! You’re now a Slime Care Champion! Have a blast with your squishy, stretchy, super fun slime! 🌈✨

🐾Paw Picked 🐕

Hello Slimers! It's me, Winston, your furry friend and the chief slime inspiration officer around here. My humans think they run the show, but we all know who the read boss is.

In this corner of our website, you will find an exclusive collection of slimes I've had a paw (or two) in making - Obviously some of the most pawsome slimes you've ever seen!

Whether I have chosen the slime ingredients with my decisive bark, fury paws or 'booped' it with my nose, I played a role in their creation!

Sometimes I've even caused a little "oops" moment that turned into a slime masterpiece while trying to get my humans to play tug-o-war with me.

Keep wiggling, and always follow your nose to find the fun!

Woof and wiggles,